Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 252: Bath Day

Another heat wave is passing through the Midwest.  We decided it would be a good day to give the boys a bath.  After setting up a little "dog wash" station in our backyard we got them in one by one.
As you can see from the photo above House wasn't very happy.  Perhaps his tongue sticking out was intentional.  Please excuse the "zombie like" eyes on House and Disco.  It was getting dark and I had to use the flash.

Disco loved his bath.  He actually got back in line for another one.

Hardy hated it.  I was unable to get a photo of him looking at the camera.

It's currently 830pm and the temperature outside reads 87 degrees.  The boys are camped out on the kitchen floor until they dry.  I do believe one of them has fallen asleep.  Correction, I think all three of them fell asleep.  The house is silent.

Until the next photo...


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